The Great Commission can be completely fulfilled through the faithful ministry of the local church.
In the book of Acts, everywhere the apostles ventured they preached Christ crucified and they established local churches. From the Biblical evidence, we believe that the local church is the only plan and program that God has established for the present age. Therefore, in order to fulfill the command of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Grace Brethren Chapel focuses its mission emphasis and giving on planting local churches around the world. We accomplish this goal through partnering with indigenous church planters (the "evangelist" - Ephesians 4:11) in many different countries, where they are able to evangelize, preach, and establish local churches.
Presently the CGBCI has foreign mission works in 10 different countries in Africa and two countries in Asia.
Bring a game and a snack. Pj's are encouraged:)
6:30pm w/ a Chapel Youth Concession Stand
7-9pm in Room 113. Contact to attend virtually.
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1820 State Route 590 | Gibsonburg, OH 43431-7800 (419) 665.4024
SERVICE TIMES Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Worship - 10:30am Wednesday Dinner - 6:00pm Wednesday Services - 6:45pm