Come and enjoy a meal and get to know our church family6:00-6:45PM
Nursery Care & Children’s Classes (Infant-5th Grade)6:45-8:00PM
Prayer Meeting & Youth Group. Study of the Word and Prayer7:00-8:00PM
6:00-6:45PM - Wednesday Evening Fellowship Meal (Rm. Fellowship Hall) The Chapel continues its long tradition of a weekly shared meal for the purpose of fellowship. Each Wednesday at 6pm, a potluck dinner is served and open to all who come to classes on Wednesday evening. The dinner theme changes each week.
6:45-8:00PM – Nursery Care & Children’s Classes (Infant-5th Grade) Our mid-week children’s classes offer an exciting opportunity for the Chapel children to learn more about God’s word while strengthening their relationships with their peers and having fun. Nursery and toddler care is offered during all Chapel services and adult classes.
7:00-8:00PM – Adult Prayer Meeting & Youth Group
Bring a game and a snack. Pj's are encouraged:)
6:30pm w/ a Chapel Youth Concession Stand
7-9pm in Room 113. Contact to attend virtually.
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1820 State Route 590 | Gibsonburg, OH 43431-7800 (419) 665.4024
SERVICE TIMES Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Worship - 10:30am Wednesday Dinner - 6:00pm Wednesday Services - 6:45pm